한줄 메모

부자는 돈을 써서 시간을 아끼지만 가난한 사람은 시간을 써서 돈을 아낀다


IT HUB를 찾아주셔서 감사합니다.

기타 [C#,VB.net] 네이버 로그인 소스

페이지 정보

작성자 하나를하더라도최선을
댓글 1건 조회 8,450회 작성일 22-10-28 11:59


Sub NaverLogin()

    Dim IE As Object

    Set IE = CreateObject("internetexplorer.application")

    IE.Visible = True

    IE.navigate "https://nid.naver.com/nidlogin.login"


    Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 2)

    SendKeys "{tab}", True

    With IE.document.all

        .Item("id").Value = "네이버아이디"

        .Item("pw").Value = "비밀번호"


    End With

End Sub

Dim js As IJavaScriptExecutor = TryCast(IE, IJavaScriptExecutor)

js.ExecuteScript("document.getElementsByName('id')[0].value=""" & _nhnID & """")

For n = 1 To RandomInteger(5, 15) : Sleep(25) : Application.DoEvents() : Next '// 딜레이

js.ExecuteScript("document.getElementsByName('pw')[0].value=""" & _nhnPW & """")

For n = 1 To RandomInteger(5, 15) : Sleep(25) : Application.DoEvents() : Next '// 딜레이

ByXPathClick("//input[@class='btn_global']", "", True)



하나를하더라도최선을님의 댓글

하나를하더라도최선을 작성일

_tail.php 3째줄 아래 내용 삽입

echo '<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/highlight.js/10.7.3/styles/vs.min.css">';

'// 내용

.hljs {

    display: block;overflow - x: auto;padding: .5 em;background: #fff;color: #000}.hljs-comment,.hljs-quote,.hljs-variable{color:green}.hljs-built_in,.hljs-keyword,.hljs-name,.hljs-selector-tag,.hljs-tag{color:# 00 f

}.hljs - addition, .hljs - attribute, .hljs - literal, .hljs - section, .hljs - string, .hljs - template - tag, .hljs - template - variable, .hljs - title, .hljs - type {

    color: #a31515

}.hljs - deletion, .hljs - meta, .hljs - selector - attr, .hljs - selector - pseudo {

    color: #2b91af}.hljs-doctag{color:grey}.hljs-attr{color:red}.hljs-bullet,.hljs-link,.hljs-symbol{color:# 00 b0e8

}.hljs - emphasis {

    font - style: italic

}.hljs - strong {

    font - weight: 700
